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The Lord's Supper Team has the privilege of setting up and overseeing the observance of the Lord's Supper in our first Sunday morning service each month. It is a real joy to serve the Lord in this behind the scenes way. This team has the distinct honor of leading us in one of the two ordinances that Christ left His Church. On the night Jesus Christ was betrayed He took both the bread and the wine and spoke of the suffering He was about to endure. As the body of Christ in worship, The Lord's Supper serves as a way of purifying ourselves before the Lord as we reflect on our obedience to the calling of God on our lives to "Be His Church." The Lord's Supper also serves as a witness to those who are without Christ, who have joined us in worship that week. The overall purpose of the Lord's Supper and the team who prepares the elements for worship is to promote the honor and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. We do this in remembrance of Him, "Until He comes". Thank you for your thoughtful consideration in serving the Lord through this ministry. For additional information please contact Lonnie Bone via email at lbone@bethechurchgrace.org.